The Mutazilite Factor in Ibn Taymiyya's Shiism Critique
İbn Teymiyye’nin Şiilik Eleştirisinde Mu‘Tezile Faktörü

Author : -İsmail AKKOYUNLU
Number of pages : 98-119


There have been many differentiations in Shia within the historical process. Contrary to what is known, it is claimed that there are some other differentiations and interactions within the Shiite thought. Ibn Taymiyya, for example, divides Shia into two categories: early Shiism and late Shiism while criticizing Shia. Ibn Taymiyya draws much attention to the difference between these two structures in his work Minhacu’s-Sunne. Ibn Taymiyya, in this context, is trying to bring early period Shiism closer to Sunnism while trying to remove the late Shiism from early Shiism. One of the most important arguments of Ibn Taymiyya in the process of this Shia criticism is that the late period Shiism is under the influence of Mutazilite. In this form of perception, the late Shiism is seen as a denomination that is almost identical to Mutazilite. In this article Ibn Taymiyya’s assertions in the context of his Shiite criticism will be analyzed through his own determinations. Thus, the analysis of this differentiation and interaction which is claimed to have taken place in Shiite thought will be given.


Ibn Taymiyya, Early Shiism, Late Shiism, Mutazilite

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