Researches in the Directon of Overcoming Intercultural Prejudices on Case of Russia

Author : -Ermamat ERGESHOV
Number of pages : 114-125


The negatve judgments and views that we have preliminarily formed for another person or for a group, as well as for social groups such as religions, gender and natonality are prejudices and they remain unresolved problems of social life. In multcultural societes, prejudices reveal many rubbed and stand out in an environment where one can see the difference. Under such circumstances, prejudice can be viewed as simple hatred and as an excepton, and ways of overcoming must be found. The ninth largest country in the world, the Russian Federaton, is working to prevent the tension between its citzens due to reasons such as ethnicity, culture, sex and religion and develops various projects for this purpose. This artcle focuses on projects that have been developed in Russia and aimed at eliminatng prejudices. Links with this draw atenton to the initatves of the REDCo project and the Interreligious Council of Russia, which seek to provide citzens with the opportunity to be citzens of Russia, live together, be tolerant and act with respect and with love. In additon, it is intended to demonstrate the fndings of these two insttutons in Russia.


Russia, Prejudice, REDCo, Interreligious Council of Russia, Tolerance.

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