Reading Butler with Schutz: A Review on Concept of Social Gender and Some Phenomenon of Gender Discriminaton
Butler’İ Schutz İle Okumak: tOplumSal cİnSİyet kavramı ve cİnSİyet ayrımcılığının Bazı GöSterGelerİ Üzerİne Bİr DeğerlenDİrme

Author : -Nilgün SOFUOĞLU
Number of pages : 68-83


Social roles and therefore the disrubiton of roles according to sex and percepton of sex are taken for granted by the subject during experiencing life and learning process. According to phenemenological sociology, how individual’s world of meanings forms, how understanding and interpretaton of the world take shape and development ways of knowledge are important in this context. In her book Gender Trouble, Judith Butler claims that base of the discriminaton of sexes depends on the aim of the sovereignts to create, to save and strenghten its own power. Butler, by questoning that sex belongs to substance, subverts feminism and identty. In her book Bodies That Mater, Butler scrunitzes the problem of the body carrying gender. In this artcle, being a member of phenomenological philosophy, Judith Butler’s concepts of gender and sex discriminaton in gender theory will be interpreted by theory of Alfred Schutz, the founder of phenomenological sociology, taking the religious statements into account, and statements positoning women in society will be discussed.


Social Gender, Gender Discriminaton, Judith Butler, Alfred Schutz

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