The Transformation of the Society by the Sunnah: from the Jāhiliyya to Islam, from Yesrib to Medīna: An Evaluation in terms of the Sociology of Sunnah

Author : -Büşra Kutluay Çelik, Ali Coşkun
Number of pages : 501-528


Although different definitions can be made, the Sunnah sociology can be depicted as the Sunnah transforms Islamic society from religious, cultural and social perspectives, and introduces regulations in almost every field of life; makes radical changes in the minds, hearts, beliefs and practices. Therefore, in this study, the religious, cultural, social and commercial structure and practices of pre-Islamic Jāhiliyya (ignorance) community will be mentioned and the attitude of Sunnah towards them will be emphasized. Essentially, the Sunnah developed three attitudes towards beliefs, worships and customs and practices that it found in Jāhiliyya society. i. The Sunnah's fundamental rejection of some beliefs and practices of Jāhiliyya term. ii. the preservation of the Sunnah some beliefs, worships and practices of Jāhiliyya. iii. The correction of the Sunnah some beliefs, worships and practices of Jāhiliyya that are opposite of Islamic principles. In order to provide a basis for our subject, firstly, the concepts of Jāhiliyya and the Sunnah will be briefly explained, then the dynamics of social change and social processes from Mecca to Yesrib, from Yesrib to Medina will be discussed. As a method, the period of Jāhiliyya and Islamic period will be considered as comparative and thus the possibility of determining the approach of the two paradigms will be considered more concretely. Early historical sources related to the relevant periods and the data in the hadith literature will be interpreted and evaluated according to the functional paradigm principles of sociology.


Sociology of Sunnah, The Prophet Muhammad, Jāhiliyya, Transformation, Society

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