Differentiated Religious Practices (Sample of Umrah)
Farklılaşmış Dini Pratikler (Umre Örneği)

Author : -Ziyaeddin Kırboğa
Number of pages : 118-127


2000s have brought new dimensions to the problem that "whether the fulfilling religious practices have the same meaning for everyone or not". Today, it is also thought that there may be reasons such as social, economic, social settings that determine the fulfillment of umrah worship. The cultural element that has been transformed by the contribution of various social elements can now be redefined by disengaging it from its original references. In the study, the Glock model, which deals with religiosity in five dimensions (belief, practice, experience, knowledge and consequence) was preferred. Rituals such as worship, prayer, religious traditions and participation in ceremonies take place in the category of worship. The aim of this study is to contribute to the explanation of the religious practices that are thought to be different in meaning from the traditional and the religious. The fact that the "umrah" worship, social dimension of which is highlighted, is a worship with physical dimension, that the journey of “umrah” can be perceived as a chance for shopping, a reason for travelling, or a recreational activity, and that, in addition, luxurious choices are made when it comes to accomodation requires “umrah” practice to be dealt within the context of “comsumption.”


Differentiation, Religion, Religious Practices, Consumption

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