Causes Leading to Mobbing and Methods of Combat in Health Sector in Turkey: Gaziantep Healthcare Workers Sample

Author : -Necati KAYHAN-Süleyman Ersin ÜNLÜ
Number of pages : 301-324


Mobbing having a negatve impact on the labor relatonships of all sectors and the performances of employees in Turkey is notced more in recent years. The increasing complaints and cases related to mobbing with legal, psychological and sociological many dimensions show that the combat with mobbing will not be so easy. Researches show that high stress, overtme working, inadequate wage, work load that needs high responsibility create an available workplace for mobbing. In Turkey, a great many measures have been taken into actons with various dimensions. It is considered that the number of workplaces is inadequate in terms of performing a high quality medium on behalf of development and implementaton of deterrent legal measures and insttutonalizaton and effectve management as a proactve measure. When it comes to the importance of encouraging studies, orientng to informaton and methods is undeniable. According to the Hello 170 line data, the study which was planned to contribute to the soluton was limited to the health sector considered to be risky areas. The study was constructed on Ministry of Labor Hello 170 line informaton analysis, our observatons and a questonnaire data of 60 individuals performed at a state hospital in Gaziantep province, besides a literature review. As the target populaton was partally homogeneous and our opportunites were limited, a questonnaire aiming to defne mobbing was applied to 20% of the staff selected by random sampling. Current and specifc studies related to mobbing both in Turkey and in the West were included as a literature review. In the light of the questonnaires and current research and investgatons related to mobbing in public health sector in Turkey, the causes of mobbing and ways of solutons were tried to be evaluated.


Mobbing concept, Mobbing in Health Sector in Turkey, Causes and Ways of soluton.

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