Citizenship and Religion in the Framework of John Rawls’s Political Liberalism
John Rawls’un Siyasal Liberalizmi Çerçevesinde Vatandaşlık ve Din

Author : -Özlem Ülker Shahavatov, Ali Coşkun
Number of pages : 405-419


In contemporary democratic, multicultural and plural societies, the issues such as religion-democracy relation, collective demands of the religious groups in the public sphere, how the religious ideas and arguments can participate in public deliberations, religious identity and belonging, freedom of religion, conscience and speech are controversial issues. This article approaches these issues in the framework of John Rawls’s political liberalism and its liberal citizenship conception. It examines the elements of political liberalism such as his political conception of justice, the idea of society as a fair system of cooperation, original position, veil of ignorance, overlapping consensus, reasonableness and the idea of public reason. It deals with the answers of the conception of citizenship which is shaped in this framework of political liberalism, to the disputes concerning the religion in the common, public spheres and the disputes on the participation of religious arguments in political deliberations.


Political Liberalism, Public Reason, Citizenship, Religion, Globalization

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