The Sociological Results of the Islamic Union Policy of Sultan Abdul Hamid II

Author : -Recep VARDİ
Number of pages : 118-137


Sultan Abdul Hamid II, afer the Otoman-Russian War that occurred in 1877- 78, highlighted Islam as an element which provides and motvates the unity of Otoman people in order to create politcal communal identty between the Muslim residents. The Otoman rule increased the religion courses in its educaton system, and it struggled to keep alive the Islamic life such as practcing the basic customs of Islam, celebratng religious holy days and nights, clothing, and taking ethical issues under the control. When the messages of commitment were received from Muslims, they were announced to people by underscoring Islamic characteristcs of the state. Moreover, the sultan was generally referred as caliph by Otoman bureaucracy, and this ttle was stressed at the internatonal issues. In the framework of the Sultan Abdul Hamid II’s Islamic Union policy, relatonships were strengthened with other Muslim countries. The Hejaz Railway was built for reducing the duraton of Hajj journey and ensuring travel security. The religious scholars were sent other states for teaching Islam and religious organizatons were built there.


Sultan Abdul Hamid II, Islamic Union, Muslim World, Hejaz Railway, Hajj, Caliph, Caliphate

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