Conservatsm of Turkey and its Development in its Own Language

Author : -Hahdan KARAKAYA
Number of pages : 494-533


Conservatve thought came in sight in 1739 as a reacton to French Revoluton, and became the expression of the search for a new way of communal, social, cultural and economic changes. Conservatve thought has been developed under the leadership of English philosopher Edmund Burke. It was a reacton to the extncton of the existng structure by French Revoluton. Besides, he thought that liberalism was also a danger for England. Burke and other conservatve wing that were influenced by his thoughts supported the evolutonist change instead of total extncton of existng structures. Besides, during Otoman Empire and Turkish Republic, conservatve approach is defned as “the other of modern”, so conservatve thought in Turkish society has been a discussion point in the frame of reactonism-progressivism. Because of this, conservatve thought has been developed as an attude, not as an ideology. Regarding this, the conservatve thought has been developed with the concern about creatng generatons knowing their history, religion, traditon, society during Otoman Empire and afer the proclamaton of the republic. According to the eastern society, the conservaton of traditonal and cultural values play an important role for reaching development.


Conservatve thought, change, social structure, east-west, modernism

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