The Social Change in Arab Society Under the Leadership of Probhet Muhammad

Author : -Recep VARDİ
Number of pages : 298-321


Social change can be defned as changes in the structure of a society and the structure of the various functons of a society, and in the social roles of individuals. In other words it is a change in the system of relatonships in society, social insttutons and behaviors of individuals. Change can occur as development or decline. Religion, which takes place as an indispensable fact in lives of today's societes as in the past, is a signifcant power which influences and directs societes, plays positve or negatve role in the changing process of communites. When we examine religion as the key agent of social change from the perspectve of the Islam, we can see that Islam is the major factor in Prophet Muhammad's prophetc period of 23 years, who as a charismatc leader built the structure of social system in the Arab society. In additon, faith, worship, law, morality and social relatons had played effectve roles in the process of social transformaton in the leadership of Prophet Muhammad. The study examines the role of charismatc leadership of Prophet Muhammad in transformaton of the Arab society, in terms of the fact that religion is the key factor that changes societes.


Social Change, Prophet Muhammad, Islam, Religion, Qur’an

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