Point of View of Kalam Friendship with non-Muslims
KELAMÎ AÇIDAN GAYR-İ MÜSLİMLERLE DOSTLUK -Kur’an’da Nehye Konu Olan Dostluğun Psiko-Sosyal Sakıncaları-

Author : -Recep ARDOĞAN
Number of pages : 32-55


During the period of Quran’s frst appearence, many tribes and communites were hostle to Muslims. Quran expressed their attude towards Muslims and emphasized the negatve consequences of being friend and confdant with them. Quran prohibited Muslims from being friend with pagans and the other groups cooperated with them who tyrannized over Muslim believers, relocated Muslims and batled against Muslims afer Hegira. This prohibiton also included Jewish groups and hypocrites who tried to turn the Muslims’ right way and to discord among Muslims and had secret plans against Muslims. Because under the existng conditons of the period being friend and confdant with them was to contribute to the discord. Therefore, it is possible to argue that such prohibitons in the Quran do not refer to actual states of dialog and friendship as humanistc facts, but to secret relatonships involving social and politcal threats


Friend, confdant, enimity, discord, non-muslim.

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