A Macro-Sociological Approach to and an Evalutaion of Turk’s Religious History
Türklerİn Dİnî Tarİhİne Makro-SoSyolojİk Bİr yaklaşıM ve DeğerlenDİrMe

Author : -Ünver GÜNAY
Number of pages : 1-7


Although there are several studies on Turk’s historical religious belief, practces and religious life, the topic has been systematcally analysed following a modern approach and therefore, a synthesis on this topic has not been developed. This topic requires a interdisciplinary approach and evaluaton including the contributons of ethnology, anthropology, archeology, phenomenology and sociology beyong a historical perspectve. The aim of this study is to analyse and evaluate the religious historu of Turks following a macro sociological approach in the light of available informaton and documents within a scientfc and objectve history understanding.


Turks, Religious History, Beliefs, Socail Life.

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