Down Sendromu, beraberinde zihinsel engellilik ve çeşitli fiziksel belirtilerin eş- lik ettiği bir kromozon anomalisidir. Down sendromlu bir çocuğa sahip olmanın, tüm aile fertleri ve bilhassa annenin yaşamında pek çok etkisi vardır. Bu çalış- ma, Down Sendromlu çocuğa sahip annelerin bu durumla başaçıkmada kullandıkları dini başaçıkma yöntemlerini belirlemek amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu amaçla Down Sendromlu çocuğa sahip Ankara ilinde yaşayan 13 anne ile yarı yapılandırılmış açık uçlu mülakat yöntemi ile görüşmeler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Betimsel ve sistematik analizle değerlendirilen verilerden elde edilen sonuçlara göre, annelerin çeşitli dini başaçıkma yöntemlerini yoğun olarak kullandıkları görülmüştür. Bu başaçıkma yöntemleri, anlam bulma, sosyal destek, erteleyici/tahammül odaklı, ilahi adalet inancı ve teslimiyet/işbirliği şeklinde beş tema altında incelenmiştir. Sonuç olarak annelerin yaşamında başaçıkma sürecinde dini ve manevi ögelerin olumlu ve olumsuz anlamda etkili olduğu belirlenmiş- tr. Bu ögelerin olumlu dini başaçıkma yönünde değerlendirilmesinde manevi bakım hizmetlerinin ve eğitimin rolü ve önemi vurgulanmıştır.
Having a mentally retarded child is difcult for parents and this situaton gives the start of a new era in their parent's life. These families who start a new process with partcipaton of a mentally disabled child to the family in their lives and they need to reshape expectatons and plans for the future which is related to development of their disabled child and cope with many unexpected sources of stress and internal and forced to pass through familial various transformatons (Abery, 2006). Parents need to cope with this unexpected situaton which change opposite directon of their life and which have a big power to change the colour of their life. They try to adapt to the situaton with a number of coping methods, but, the contnuity of disability, requires the contnuity of the coping effort. In our study, we conducted interviews with 13 mothers of children with Down syndrome. Data were collected through semistructured interviews in Ankara in Turkey. We found that, mothers are using religious coping styles, especially positve coping strategies like collaboratve and submissive coping strategies. They need to give meaning to their situaton with their children and feel themselves holy and as a chosen people for an important task. And they think their children is a "heaven key", "heavenly person" and "angel". They ask help from God to give the right of difcult tasks, they want power and patence from Allah. In additon, it has been found that the mother of the disabled children have an approach about having a disabled child as a personal transformaton and a self-development/training opportunity And also they think about their children some metaphysical meaning (blessing, richness and luck of their house and their life) as a positve religious coping strategy. It has been found that mother using some negatve religious coping styles, especially deferring coping style and belief in divine justce was determined heavily.