In this artcle, we dealt with the social and religious life of the city before the hijrah which was known from its foundaton to the hijrah of the prophet as Yathrib and afer the hijrah was called as al-Madina and became the land of hijrah of the prophet. In order to understand the social life of Yathrib, it is important to know the populaton mobility (demographical structure) as phycial structure and the religious life whic consttutes the cultural structure. The religious life in Yathrib bases on the pagan beliefs and worships of Arabs and the beliefs and worships of Jews. In Yathrib where these two opposite religions lived, and thus the hanifsm (the pure monothestc beliefs of the Ibrahim) could not survive, to understand the background of approval of Islam as a religion Islam’s requires to understand beter the religious life in Yathrib.