İnsanın Meşruİyet Kaygısı ya da Kendİnİ sağcı OlaraK İnşa etMeK

Author :  

Year-Number: 2011-9
Language : Türkçe
Konu :
Number of pages: 172-191
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap




Justfcaton anxiety of human has become one of the main problems during the history. For this reason the man has produced much more ideas to remove this justfcaton axiety. Which happens politcal among these ideas is much more indispensible in the subject formatng justfcaton. Because the politcs bring the majority circumstances with itself it’s the main problem to make a reason basis. During the history different politcal cultures has prensented justfcaton resorces. During a few centuries a lot of politcal conceptons and meanings, especially the ones with the western origin have been produced and the happened influental. One of these were rightstness. Rightstness which happens a politcal justfcaton resorce and if we put aside its past historical conditons which created itself is the result of anxiety of formatng the meaning. Rightstness which contains mostly conservatve and natonalist manner is the leading instrument to express itself to the communites for those who struggle in politcal area.


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