The Role of Islamic Faith in the Business Ethics

Author : -Harun ÇAĞLAYAN
Number of pages : 70-85


Every culture has a unique understanding of business ethics. However the common point of all business ethics theory is to encourage people for working and to show him the way of the quality producton. At that rate, it can be mentoned a similarity between the work etquete of Muslim culture and Protestant ethic of Western culture. Indeed, according to either working is a religious duty and cause of human existence. Administrators and educators have a very important task that the work ethic’s showing itself in people’s thoughts, words and behavior. In this respect, it should be benefted from educaton and work ethic ideas of the Islam, when determining the future of community policies. Because approaches related to work ethic and educatonal methods in Islam has a sustainable feature which is compatble with human nature.


Ethic, Business Ethics, Protestant Ethics, Islamic Educaton.

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