C.G. Jung’s Percepton of God

Author : -Ali Ulvi MEHMEDOĞLU
Number of pages : 10-15


Carl Gustav Jung (1875 - 1961) is the founder of analytcal psychology school. Within the analytcal psychology, though, he developed a unique and different theory on religion and percepton of God. His approach is generally considered within the psychoanalytcal theory; and yet some of his views differ from psychoanalysis. These differences are rather explicit in his understanding of religion and God. Jung’s original views on these two topics might be seen in all his major works. As a mater of fact, Jung reads the core conceptons of his psychological model into all religious phenomena and concepts. In this essay, following a short biography of Jung, we frst enumerate the main conceptons of his psychology and psychology of religion, the building blocks of his system of thought. We then examine his image of God (Imago Dei), as an unconscious archetype of the collectve symbol of Self. We then conclude with critques and oppositons against his psychological model in general, and against his image of God in partcular, as well as Jung’s own response to these challenges.


Carl Gustav Jung, Analytcal Psychology, Psychoanalysis, Self, Archetype, Image of God, Imago Dei

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