Five Arts and Its Propositons
Beş Sanat ve Öncüllerİ

Author : -Ali ÇETİN
Number of pages : 130-145


This artcle is about the fve arts and it’s premises. The inventon of the syllogism or the systematc treatment of law inference is important. The theory of syllogism is expressed in The Prior Analytcs. Scientfc method is considered The Posterior Analytcs. Dialectc is discussed in Topics. Rhetoric is examined in The Rhetoric. Sophistry is investgated in The Sophistcal Refutatons. Poetcs is considered in Poetcs. The last fve comprise the fve arts of the applied syllogism. Method of The Posterior Analytcs is called burhan, dialectc is called jadal, rhetoric is called khitaba, and Sophistry is called mugalâta, poetcs is called shi’r. The propositon of these fve arts: Yaqî- niyat, mashhurat, maqbulat, musallamat, mushabbihat, wahmiyyat, muhayyilat and maznunat. These arts and it’s propositon is useful for philosophical thinking. Therefore these concepts must be partcularly investgated.


Classical Logic, İslamic Logic, Five Arts, Propositon, Demonstraton, Dialectc, Rhetoric, Sophistry, poetcs.

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