A General Overview on the Christianity's Belief in Hell on the Basis of the Religion Philosophy

Author : -Tuncay AKGÜN
Number of pages : 77-98


Although there are some important differences between the theological religions such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam, both in terms of faith rudiments and God understanding, we see that there is a consensus in many of God's attributes and about the existence of hell and the punishment in hell.1 These attributes which concern our subject are God being Omnipotent, Absolute Justice, Absolute Wise, Pure Good, Mercy, Eternal. But when we consider the theological depictions of hell together with an entity with these attributes, it is clear that some problems occur. For a religionist, deific goodness is not only perceived as secular goodness. By understanding this kindness metaphysically and transcendently, He can keep its meaning much more diverse and wide. The same can be said fort he attribute ‘justice’. Deific justice may not only be interpreted as an equitable and balancing law principle in the form of "an ey efor an eye and a tooth for a tooth". Again, according to some, with a compassionate God vision, the terrible tortures in the hell, and their eternal living, may arise some problems about God's compassion. Some theologians hell have expressed the objection that no entity other than Allah can be vested with being everlasting, related to the belief about eternal hell faith. Just as nothing had ever been with Supreme Being in preeternity, it would be so in post eternity, and there would be no existence except Allah.


Christianity, Theism, Hell, Philosophy of Religion, God, Justice, Goodness, Mercy, Love.

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