Structural Analysis of Military Revolutions in Turkey: Religious, Cultural Continuity and Changes
Türkiye’de Askerî İhtilallerin Yapısal Analizi: Dinî, Kültürel Süreklilikler ve Değişimler

Author : Hakkı KARAŞAHİN
Number of pages : 316-352


In this study, occurring in Turkey relations with military rebellions between religious structures are discussed. In terms of sociology of religion, the question of structural, cultural relations and interactions between revolution culture and religion was sought. In this research, it is aimed to understand social, cultural and religious dimensions of military revolutions in a descriptive way, and to determine continuity, changes and transformations that occur related to this. As a result of research, it was determined that some regularities and basic structural processes play an active role in military interventions. The tradition of revolution has witnessed different changes and transformations with Republican period. Some social structural features of the revolutions have changed, but religious and cultural structure has continued. For this reason, this paradoxical situation, which has been motivated for centuries by the interaction of the army, revolution and religion as “religion goes hand in hand” or “shariah is coming”, is a socio-cultural and discursive pattern that has been carried to our time almost without erosion. The fact that revolutions were taken away from the shariah in the Ottoman period and that fundamentalism and shariah endangered regime in Republican period indicate effectiveness and continuity of religious factor in revolutionary movements.


Sociology of Religion, Revolution, Change, Continuity

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